
Voor security managers, IT architecten en hun teams

Verzeker je adoptie van cloud
door training, workshops en coaching.

Maak je organisatie flexibel en reduceer risico en kosten.

Bereik het juiste niveau van cloud adoptie.

Op welke vraag wil je vandaag nog een antwoord?

Waarom is Cloud de toekomst voor IT?

Welke nieuwe voordelen en risico's brengt cloud computing met zich mee?
Bekijk mijn video en begrijp waarom.

Wat houdt het Cloud CCSK certificaat in?


Leer meer over het Cloud Security kennis certificaat (CCSK)

Hoe kan mijn hele team cloud beter adopteren?

Cloud Adoptie

Download deze roadmap en krijg een goed beeld van de volgende stappen.

Ik help IT-professionals, risk assessors en hun teams met hun cloud adoptie, zodat ze sneller gebruik kunnen maken van de meest recente IT ontwikkelingen.  Ik help ze meer controle te hebben over cloud. Ik laat ze zien hoe de cloud werkt, welke risico’s en nieuwe mogelijkheden er zijn en welke voordelen dat oplevert terwijl je tegelijkertijd de risico’s naar beneden brengt.

Het resultaat is dat teams sneller tot een gezamenlijke visie komen en daardoor sneller resultaat boeken doordat ze cloud en de risico’s beter begrijpen.


Security operations manager

The course provides a fantastic overview of Cloud and was an eye opener to me.  The benefits of cloud were made clear, but so too were the limitations and considerations of the service. I would recommend this course to everyone involved in Cloud from hands on IT to Executive. This was one of the most informative courses I have attended.

Security operations manager

IT architect, London City, Canary Wharf

Peter clearly has a great deal of specific industry experience and draws on this to provide real-world examples. Always happy to divert the conversation out of the course where relevant and interesting within the cloud computing context.  I think this was particularly useful and observed this providing value to the entire group.

Attended several of Peter’s courses

I have attended several of Peter’s courses. They are always very good with practical knowledge on cloud computing, and this is helping us very much in our development of the Oman government cloud services.

Shanthi Vijay

Information Technology Agency, government of Oman

Gabe Camacho

Very grateful.  Thank you!

Gabe Camacho

Didier Raelet

I have appreciated very well most topics and particulary the Security Risk & compliance topics. Comparison on IT process on premise with those in the Cloud is quite good. But, it could be done deeper.

Didier Raelet

Vincent Yesue

This class is great. Good balance between you talking, and us chatting. You keep control of the syllabus and the schedule, and we provide some information on what the facts mean to us and how we understand them in our context. Brilliant stuff.

Vincent Yesue


Very professional domain, but very clear explained! Thanks



Most useful: Technical context, risk knowledge and exam approach


Ali Isikli

Experienced trainer. Reflects his experience well within the context

Ali Isikli

Ken Tola

Peter is incredibly knowledgeable and takes the time to answer questions and actually work with his students. The course is also an amazing way to learn how AWS actually works and, by the end of the labs, you feel ready to manage your own cloud! The materials are easy to understand and yet technical enough to get real-life security implemented. This was a great course and far beyond most of the accreditation courses I have completed.

Ken Tola

Carlo Tyrberg

I attended Peter’s CCSK-training and found it very useful, because 1) the sessions gave me more insight on several other aspects of cloud computing than only security, 2) it ‘inspired’ (/forced) me to study the CSA guide/ENISA more thorughly and not least 3) I manage to pass the exam 🙂

Carlo Tyrberg

Frank Cerney

I had very little to no experience wit the CLOUD, so this training was incredibly valuable to me. My new professional responsibilities are becoming more and more cloud centric. I have a greatly improved level of confidence because I know I have a solid educational foundation that the training and exam preparation has provided for me. I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Frank Cerney

Blog over Cloud, DevOps, en Digital Infrastructure Transformation

Hoe beheersen we de cloud? Hoe beheren we de cloud? Op 13 maart ben ik een van de begeleiders van

Officiële training partner Cloud Security Alliance

Een aantal bedrijven waar ik mee heb gewerkt:
