
Are you involved in cloud risk assessment, are you evaluating or architecting cloud solutions?

Understand the Risk in Cloud and Learn How to Manage Cloud Security

Get a heads-up with the latest industry standards and best practices

Join our online Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) training course now!
Next instructor-led sessions in March, start studying today

CCSK is short for Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge. It is the ‘mother’ of all individual cloud security certifications, and was created by the Cloud Security Alliance. Get it from the comfort of your home or office. No travel required.

We have designed our courses to provide you with a deep understanding of cloud computing and cloud security. Our CCSK training is comprehensive and will equip you with the needed knowledge for more efficient service delivery
The 5 day training sprint will prepare you to face real-world cloud computing issues. It will also give you access to all you need to excel in your CCSK certification exam.
Most companies now adopt a more agile, cost-efficient and reliable method of running their businesses. This has made cloud computing become more relevant and widely implemented.
This move has created a whole new class of problems. IT professionals are now required to stay updated with current cloud computing trends. They need to gain the knowledge to handle these cloud computing and security issues effectively.

Online CCSK training

My CCSK Foundation is a blended program. You can start the self-paced part immediately. Every two months I conduct a 5 day online sprint. This includes 2 hours a day of presentation and Q&A. Recordings available. (Go here for the timing details). But I will also help you before, during and after the sprint weeks, for example with a regular focus session. And because of that, you will boost your job performance, and pass the exam fast.

I will cover all the official courseware, the 14 domains of CCSK, plus CCM and ENISA. Included in CCSK Plus are labs. These show you how to create a secure architecture on AWS or Microsoft Azure. And the same principles apply to other IaaS providers. What is more, I have added bonus resources to speed up your learning, and your application of this to your day job. The labs have extra online time.

Finally, if you want to make a difference with your team, you need more than a few days of training in security. My Cloud Security Impact program extends CCSK Plus and coaches you in 3 months to pass the exam and change the way you (and your team) work.

Go here for more details on the packages.

The CCSK exam certification body is the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). They established the exam to help ensure that IT professionals are well acquainted with the updated guidance documents for cloud security. CSA is not a cloud service vendor and is not affiliated to any vendor, their neutral position has made them become a widely accepted standard for most vendors and organizations. Being the first to award this form of certification in the industry they’ve also gained a lot of popularity over the past couple of years.


At the end of this training, you will have a good knowledge and will be able to do the following:

  • Perform excellently in the CCSK certification exam
  • Manage any cloud computing risks or issues that may arise within the organization.
  • Have in-depth knowledge of cloud control best practices
  • Understand security controls for public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud
  • Control the IT supply chain and the cloud environment
  • Learn cloud control best practices
  • Take a first step towards CCSP
  • Get an overview of cloud providers and secure cloud architecture
  • Select real world security controls
  • Understand Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure security (CCSK Plus)

Who is this not for?

CCSK is not a technical deep dive in any specific cloud provider. Nevertheless, it does complement vendor solution architect certifications nicely.

You must also be willing to let go of OldSkool security approaches if they can be replaced by better and more modern controls.

What do others say?

Being the first certification exam in this category, the CCSK is ranked as the leading and most current cloud security certification exam in the industry. Let’s take a look at some testimonials from some of our past trainees.

The training was a rewarding educational experience and covered a range of Cloud security issues and their increasing complexity. This course would be helpful to Engineers, Compliance Managers and IT Service Managers, anyone in IT. Peter created an engaging and involving syllabus. The number of subjects involved is vast but Peter did a great job of breaking them down into manageable chunks of data, with helpful slides and intriguing tales from real-world IT Trenches.



IT Compliance Manager San Francisco, CA

“The CCSK course and certification provided valuable insights to me as an Information Security Manager in an environment that heavily relies on Cloud services. This course not only closed some gaps in my knowledge. It allowed me to acquire a more balanced view on security challenges and opportunities that come with cloud computing.
The Course was well prepared and truly informative with a very good mix of information about techniques, concepts and governance issues related to modern cloud environments. For me, the labs allowed to understand the practitioners’ view in order to deliver better guidance and governance.
The knowledge acquired within this course allows me to be more specific about cloud topics in GRC processes, policies, assessments and in-house consulting since I have a better understanding of what security can be expected and how it can be implemented.
With a solid background in cloud computing Peter van Eijk presents the material in a superior and confident way, addressing open questions promptly and right to the point. He put lots of effort into preparation of the course and led the online class very professionally and efficiently.“

CISO, Media company.

“Learning online can have its own challenges. Peter was very patient and dealt with this very well by being inclusive with individually addressed audio comments to each student. He also encouraged real time feedback and comments via chat which I believe is vital in maintaining bidirectional interaction. The course content was excellent, available online and assisted by ongoing support by the trainer. This course is particularly relevant for Cloud Architects, for Information Security SMEs, for Implementors and Auditors of Managing Risk in Cloud operations and for those involved with Business Continuity or Contractual Negotiations concerning Cloud availability.

John Thomas MSc, Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Auditor and IT/Security Consultant, Scotland.

Feel free to check out other courses we offer and improve your IT skill set by enrolling for the courses that you find to be most interesting or relevant. You can also use the contact form to reach out to us, we’ll be more than happy to hear from you.

More reviews


If this training does not offer you the right learning experience, you can quit after the first session and get a full refund. There will also be an option to book additional one-on-one time with the instructor, alone or with colleagues from your company.
I can actually guarantee that you pass the exam. Talk to me about the details.

Tell me more about CCSK v4

Enter your name and email to get my regular cloud computing tips, more information on CCSK and how to attain it, starting with a one-pager. There is also a FREE introductory course.

By registering here you consent to receiving regular emails from me (Peter van Eijk) with updates, tips and ideas on Cloud Computing along with the occasional promotion for my products and services, until you unsubscribe. Click below for my detailed privacy policy.

dit veld niet invullen s.v.p.

Frequently asked questions

This course may qualify for 12 or more CPE points. These might come in handy if you maintain CISSP certification for example. (ISC)² would count them as Group A points. Contact me for details.

If you are not sure that this CCSK training is perfect for you, I invite you to schedule a free, no strings attached, 30 minute call with me. Click this link for an appointment scheduler.

If you find out it the training does not work for you, tell me on the first day of online training, and I will fully refund you.

Typically, the answer is no. You will need to understand some cloud technology, but I have added enough introductory material to get you up to speed. Heck, I have even helped lawyers pass the exam.

You will find a lot of learning material on the private support site. That is also where recordings of the content are available for a few months after the training. If a recording fails, there are multiple recordings of earlier runs of this training.

P.s. Any senior IT related role finds that knowledge of cloud computing value and risk is indispensable these days. As a result, this will advance your career and improve the efficiency of your team. What’s more, it is likely to positively influence the quality and cost of your company’s services. This training is a very effective way to get these results.

Yes. However: the original CSA plan was to have CCSK offered as a one day Foundation class. A second day of training, called CCSK Plus, then adds hands-on activities (labs). In the online training sessions we have to do this differently. In the online sessions I explain the official labs plus the ones that I have developed. You can then do them outside the online session. All labs are included in the digital training material. I will be fully available for support by email or online, should you get stuck in the labs.

P.s. Any senior IT related role finds that knowledge of cloud computing value and risk is indispensable these days. As a result, this will advance your career and improve the efficiency of your team. What’s more, it is likely to positively influence the quality and cost of your company’s services. This training is a very effective way to get these results.


Security operations manager

The course provides a fantastic overview of Cloud and was an eye opener to me.  The benefits of cloud were made clear, but so too were the limitations and considerations of the service. I would recommend this course to everyone involved in Cloud from hands on IT to Executive. This was one of the most informative courses I have attended.

Security operations manager

IT architect, London City, Canary Wharf

Peter clearly has a great deal of specific industry experience and draws on this to provide real-world examples. Always happy to divert the conversation out of the course where relevant and interesting within the cloud computing context.  I think this was particularly useful and observed this providing value to the entire group.

Attended several of Peter’s courses

I have attended several of Peter’s courses. They are always very good with practical knowledge on cloud computing, and this is helping us very much in our development of the Oman government cloud services.

Shanthi Vijay

Information Technology Agency, government of Oman

Gabe Camacho

Very grateful.  Thank you!

Gabe Camacho

Didier Raelet

I have appreciated very well most topics and particulary the Security Risk & compliance topics. Comparison on IT process on premise with those in the Cloud is quite good. But, it could be done deeper.

Didier Raelet

Vincent Yesue

This class is great. Good balance between you talking, and us chatting. You keep control of the syllabus and the schedule, and we provide some information on what the facts mean to us and how we understand them in our context. Brilliant stuff.

Vincent Yesue


Very professional domain, but very clear explained! Thanks



Most useful: Technical context, risk knowledge and exam approach


Ali Isikli

Experienced trainer. Reflects his experience well within the context

Ali Isikli

Ken Tola

Peter is incredibly knowledgeable and takes the time to answer questions and actually work with his students. The course is also an amazing way to learn how AWS actually works and, by the end of the labs, you feel ready to manage your own cloud! The materials are easy to understand and yet technical enough to get real-life security implemented. This was a great course and far beyond most of the accreditation courses I have completed.

Ken Tola

Carlo Tyrberg

I attended Peter’s CCSK-training and found it very useful, because 1) the sessions gave me more insight on several other aspects of cloud computing than only security, 2) it ‘inspired’ (/forced) me to study the CSA guide/ENISA more thorughly and not least 3) I manage to pass the exam 🙂

Carlo Tyrberg

Frank Cerney

I had very little to no experience wit the CLOUD, so this training was incredibly valuable to me. My new professional responsibilities are becoming more and more cloud centric. I have a greatly improved level of confidence because I know I have a solid educational foundation that the training and exam preparation has provided for me. I cannot recommend it highly enough!

Frank Cerney